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January 9, 2005

Another weekend in Seattle

Today it had snow. For the first time since I'm here.

The thermostat in our fridge was broken. All things in the freezer were melted. The repair guy came and fixed it. But then our food in the fridge got frozen, too. So he came one more time to fix it again. Now after two weeks we can use our fridge again. We used this good news for an expanded shopping tour at safeway. :-)

Yesterday we recycled our Christmas tree at the Recycle Center. Approximately 100 Christmas trees were thrown in this den. The saison is over. Definitely. We visited Dave for another Saturday playing board games. We played Carcasonne which is pretty nice, strategy and a little luck needed just as we like it.

We had to leave early to join another party. Andrea, our landlady, invited us to her 12Night-Party with a lot of people and kids. We, and another couple, were the only one who didn't brought kids. It was really noisy and stressy for me, as I am not used to hear kids screaming an evening long. But it was ok after a while and with plenty of very good food and chats as substitution. Also, we met the pre-owners from our house. They lived here for 10 years and didn't want to move out, but they needed a bigger place to raise two boys. I met Paul, a neighbour, who told me about his ex-patriot time in Russia and his Euro-Trip in a mobile home in 1994 with his wife and his 1 year old daughter. They didn't know shops are closed on Sunday in Europe and the only food they got when they arrived were olives in garlic from a Greek restaurant. The diapers were unbelievable for one week. But we don't want to imagine this, do we?

So more news? Our furniture didn't arrive on Friday as planned. We sent them on Nov 4th from Germany and expected it to arrive on Dec 4 th. Now we have Jan 9 th and no furniture, but about 5 announcements. We don't believe in further dates anymore until we see our container in front of our house.

Some good news. I got an email from a company. Maybe they will hire me. Maybe not. But it's another opportunity and I would like to try and get an interview there. Wish me luck.

7 more weeks left til departure.

Posted by tini at January 9, 2005 8:50 PM


Hi Tini,
I was so surprised to hear that you are gone to Seattle. How did Marco get there? You want to stay there for a long time? I´d like to test my English - maybe we can correspond a little bit.
I would be glad to hear from you!!
Bye Nicola

Posted by: Nicola Winterholler at January 10, 2005 4:40 PM

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